Tuesday, December 5, 2006


Float tanks are also called : Samadhi tanks , Samadhi Pools ,
Floatation tanks , Isolation Tanks , R.E.S.T Chambers ,
Salt Water Spas, and Sensory Deprivation Chambers.
Whatever it’s called , most people who try it , Love it !
What is a Float Tank ? What is Floating ?

A floatation tank is a small enclosed pool - 8 feet long by 4 feet wide by 4 feet high. In the pool is 100 gal. of water and 800 lb.. of dissolved Epsom salt. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, and is very different than the kind of salt we eat. Epsom salt has been used for centuries for its many health benefits.
The water in a floatation tank is 10 inches deep, and is kept at 94.5°F, which is the temperature of your skin. The pool enclosure is also temperature controlled so that the front of your body (the part that's floating above the water) doesn't get cold. The saltwater is so dense that you float like a cork. This is particularly enjoyable for people who have difficulty floating in a swimming pool. Because you're perfectly balanced, you can't flip over accidentally, so feel free to doze off. The feeling of weightlessness cannot be described. It must be experienced to be fully appreciated.
Many people who've never heard of floating are surprised to learn that there are float centers all over the world, with about 60 in the USA.
As you read more, you'll see references to "REST". This stands for Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy. The phrase was coined in the early 1980s by researcher Dr. Peter Suedfeld (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) to describe the physical process that underlies floatation, and to replace earlier terms such as sensory deprivation or sensory isolation that were scientifically inaccurate and highly negative.
As the phrase suggests, the floatation tank simply restricts or eliminates environmental stimulation - the combined effects of gravity, temperature, touch, sight, and sound on the muscles, nervous system, sense organs, and brain. Freed from the workload created by these external stimuli, body and mind enter profoundly deep levels of relaxation.
consider this partial list of benefits that are obtained by floating:
speeded recovery from injury.
reduced high blood pressure.
reduced symptoms of such ailments as asthma, arthritis, bursitis, multiple sclerosis, migraine and tension headaches, fibromyalgia, insomnia, and rheumatoid arthritis.
improved post-operative recovery.
rapid elimination of fatigue.
increased flow of endorphins .
increased feelings of self-confidence, self-control and serenity.
I'm going to talk to you about the tank "experience" for a few minutes.
This will include the things I have found most people want to know before their first float.
Many people have some fear or concern before they use the tank the first time. Fears such as being alone in the dark, drowning, not having enough air, claustrophobia, and others. The fears are usually the thought or the idea that YOU won't be in control of the situation, but in this situation you are totally in control. You can go in and out of the tank as you please. You can use the tank with the door completely open, you can keep it partially open, or you can close it. There is no particular way to use the tank that is more correct than another. Any way you use it, that is comfortable for you, is correct.
There is no reason to fear the tank. It will not "do" anything to you that you don’t want it to.
You are in control.
We’re Talking about your mind here. Were talking about what is called A.S.C. or
Altered States of Consciousness.
If you fear A.S.C., or If you fear your own dreams, perhaps floating is not for you.
On the other hand, if you do fear these things, Maybe floating is exactly what you need !
Try to look at it like this :
YOU are in control, and as such, have given yourself the permission to give up that control !
Is this making any sense ? Not to worry, It need not. Just relax, let go, and HAVE FUN !
The following is one persons account of there first time float.
I have included it here because it is very typical of many peoples (Including mine) description of there first time float.
I use the word "typical" very loosely though because no one can say what YOUR experience will
be like. It’s like me asking you " What will I dream about tonight ? "
"During my first flotation session, I spent most of my time uncomfortable both physically and mentally. Physically, I was struggling with the idea of floating and continued to find myself tying to float, concentrating on floating, which is unnecessary in the tank. You really can’t help but float. Also, my mind seemed confused with the lack of sensory input. I experienced little flashes of pain, like pin pricks, randomly all over my body as if my mind was trying to locate all of my body parts since it was not getting any signals. It was disturbing and uncomfortable and frustrating.
I spent about forty-five minutes this way. Uncomfortable, frustrated, BORED, and waiting for something to happen. And, finally, everything changed. It all changed, actually, at the precise point that I decided that flotation was not for me and I would never do it again. When I made that decision, my mind stopped struggling and completely let go. I went into a deep meditative state and the first thing I experienced was similar to a night time dream, but I was not asleep !
I "saw" scenes that I was a part of but I was both the observer and the participant. I can only describe the scenes as exaggerations of my own personality traits. Aspects of myself.
After that first session, I was hooked. I continued to float and had some of my most powerful meditations while in the R.E.S.T. environment. I started to notice that after the sessions, the world seemed a little bit different to me - more vivid, more interesting, more emotion filled. And, above all, I noticed an increase in my own intuitive abilities.
On occasion , I’ll emerge from the tank, laughing out loud and grinning ear to ear,
and for the life of me, I don’t know WHY. What I do know , is that it’s GREAT! "
I ( Lester ) Did not write the above account, nor did I read it , or anything like it prior to my first float more than 20 years ago. However,
I decided to include it here in the introduction because I think it would have greatly improved
my first float and with the hopes it will improve yours.
Soaking in Epsom salts is one of the most effective means of making the magnesium your body needs readily available.
Researchers and physicians report that raising your magnesium levels may:
Improve heart and circulatory health, reducing irregular heartbeats, preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing blood clots and lowering blood pressure.
• Improve the body's ability to use insulin, reducing the incidence or severity of diabetes.
• Flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances.
• Improve nerve function by regulating electrolytes. Also, calcium is the main conductor for electrical current in the body, and magnesium is necessary to maintain proper calcium levels in the blood.
• Relieve stress. Excess adrenaline and stress are believed to drain magnesium, a natural stress reliever, from the body. Magnesium is necessary for the body to bind adequate amounts of serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of well being and relaxation.
While increasing your magnesium levels, Epsom salt also delivers sulfates, which are extremely difficult to get through food but which readily absorb through the skin. Medical research indicates sulfates are needed for the formation of brain tissue, joint proteins and the mucin proteins that line the walls of the digestive tract. Sulfates also stimulate the pancreas to generate digestive enzymes and help to detoxify the body's residue of medicines and environmental contaminants.
How does It work?
Scientists estimate that up to 90% of the brain's normal workload is caused by the effects of routine environmental stimulation the combined effects of gravity, temperature, touch, light and sound on the muscles, nervous system and sense organs of the body.
The float tank screens out these external physical stimuli, creating a pure state of "sensory" relaxation. Under these unique conditions your body has a chance to restore its natural powers of self regulation, while you simply lie back and rediscover the latent abilities of a deeply relaxed mind.
The pleasures and perks of the modern float tank are based on a revolutionary scientific approach to deep relaxation called Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique or R.E.S.T. for short, first developed back in 1954 by researchers at the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) in Washington.
During the past 20 years the remarkable effects of the float tank have been systematically studied and applied in such areas as health care, medicine, fitness training, sports science and education. Meanwhile, floating has caught on in America, Australia and, more recently, Europe and Asia as a powerfully productive and creative form of recreation in its own right.
The flotation tank is a well-documented "tool" for individuals who wish to explore the full potential of their bodies', their minds and their natural abilities.
Floatation has been utilized by top athlete's to achieve maximum performance in highly demanding circumstances as well as by individuals who wish to reduce stress, pain and unlock the bodies natural healing powers.

Comments from the float DOCTOR

( Lots of doctor type lingo and other stuff that’s real boring. )
Floatation therapy :
One or more sessions of floatation, usually for sixty minutes, in a purpose built float tank containing a magnesium sulfate (MgSO) (Epsom Salts) solution at 35.4 degrees Celsius. The solution’s relative density is 1.25 making it impossible not to float, usually supine (except for pregnant women see below). The temperature is correct for maintaining body temperature without muscular action and there is no postural requirement either, so a profound state of relaxation is achieved within 15 to 20 minutes. Endorphins are released and blood flow in capillaries and soft tissue is maximized. Muscles in spasm tend to release. Because there is no contact pressure it is possible to float for many hours without any impulse to turn, even in deep sleep. Floatation has been academically studied extensively since about 1975, particularly in America, and currently in Sweden.
The Benefits
Apart from general relaxation, floatation therapy has been shown both anecdotally and in controlled studies to reduce or eliminate acute pain. The pain relief can be permanent after one session. The reduction of chronic pain lasts for several hours and a reduced need for analgesia. Other benefits include lessening of edema, increased range of movement in skeletal joints and lower perceived levels of stress. It also appears to help in anger management and PMT, reduce feelings of fatigue and insomnia, lower blood pressure and assist in weight control (in conjunction with talking cures/psychotherapy).
Floating in pregnancy
Mid term pregnant women often find considerable relief from pain and stiffness, particularly while floating prone, with elbows on the floor of the tank and chin cupped in hands. In this position the fetus is fully floating and the mother’s back and pelvic girdle are released from load.
In general mental illness including clinical depression is a contra-indication because the effects of floating are unpredictable in these cases. Obviously patients with open wounds or incontinence are unsuitable candidates. Patients with severe hypertension may experience such drastic reduction in blood pressure as to faint but when this is controlled by a drug regime, there is little risk. Similarly there is little risk for controlled epileptic patients, but it is recommended to have a suitable helper present during the float session.
Epsom Salt:
Epsom Salt is a pure mineral compound (magnesium sulfate) in crystal form that gently exfoliates skin and smoothes rough patches. Epsom Salt helps to add body to hair. Dissolved in a bath, Epsom Salt is absorbed through the skin to replenish the body's levels of magnesium. Studies indicate this may help to relieve stress in a number of ways, including:
Raising the body's level of serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of well being and relaxation.
Offsetting excess levels of adrenaline generated by pressure and stress; magnesium ions relax and reduce irritability by lowering the affects of adrenaline.
Help to regulate the electrical functions of nerves.
Lowering blood pressure.
Researchers have found that magnesium also increases energy and stamina by encouraging the
production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy packets made in the cells.

Questions and Answers

Is there a time limit for the tank ?
The first time public places usually schedule an hour. Some people use the tank for shorter sessions and others find 2 to 3 hour sessions very valuable. Of course the "perfect" way is to stay in until you want to get out.

What happens if I get the solution in my eyes, will it hurt them ?
It does no damage to your eyes. It does however sting a little so try not to get it in your eyes.
If you do, wipe your face with your towel. The sensation lasts only a few moments.

Is it dark in the tank ?
If the door is closed and the light is off. (duh)

Do I need to prepare myself for floating ?
a) If you shave a few hours before using the tank, the shaved skin may sting for a few minutes.
If you can postpone shaving, you will probably be more comfortable.
b) If you wear contact lenses, it would be a problem if any salt water got into your eyes. If you remove your contacts you don't have to be concerned about it.
c) Avoid caffeine before you float, as it may interfere with your ability to relax.
d) You must shower immediately before entering the tank.

Can I eat before I go into the tank ?
You may eat. However, If you eat a heavy meal, or are very hungry, you may spend a lot of time listening to your stomach talk to you ! Moderation works well.

Is there a typical tank user ?
People of all ages and walks of life seem to enjoy the experience equally. What seems typical is how good everyone looks when they come out of the tank.

Is anyone NOT supposed to use the tank ?
Those that have open wounds, suffer from mental illness, depression, incontinence, are suicidal or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol should NOT use the tank.
( See "note" below )

Can pregnant women use the tank ?
We suggest that pregnant women inform their physicians or midwives and get their opinion prior to using the tank. Mid term pregnant women often find considerable relief from pain and stiffness.
NOTE: Please refer to " contra-indications " & " floating in pregnancy " on the doctors page.

Can I use the tank if I'm menstruating ?
Please, not while menstruating or when your period is expected.

Do you wear anything in the tank ?
Since it is a private experience, most people don't wear anything. Anything you wear will press against your body, becoming a distraction. In this regard imagine it as similar to getting into your bathtub. If however you need an assistant, you may wear one. "speedo" types are by far, the best.

I can't float anywhere, Will I float ?
If you can fit in the tank, you WILL float !
It is impossible NOT to float in the tank. Eight hundred pounds of salt dissolved in the water make the solution so much denser than your body that your body is pushed to the surface like a cork. Your face is out of the solution and your ears are underwater. No matter what your size.

Can I drown in the tank ?
( we sugest you float face up ! )

Can I get Electrocuted ?
(But don’t take the toaster with you !)

Can children use the tank ?
Some float tank places allow children, This place does not.

Do people sleep in the tank?
Some people fall asleep in the tank, and some people use the tank for sleeping.

Is it dangerous to sleep in the tank?
It is safe to sleep in the tank. The reason people think it may be dangerous is probably the fear of rolling over. Even those people who say they never sleep on their backs in bed, sleep on their backs in the tank. It is very difficult to roll over in the tank because of the density of the solution, and if any of the salt solution gets in your eyes, mouth or nose, it is an immediate signal that something must be done. You would wake up immediately.

Is there enough air in the tank?
The tank is designed not to be airtight, so there is a plentiful air supply. In addition, fresh air is brought in by an air circulation system.

Can two people float in the tank at the same time?
Floating is a private, individual experience.

Can you tell me what it will be like ?
I don't know what it will be like for you since it is such an individual experience. The most common reports are profound peace and relaxation, deep concentration and creativity.
What does it cost to float ?
Most public Float centers charge $35.00 to $65.00 per one hour float session.
The purchase price of the least expensive, commercially available float tank is about $8,000.